
N3 レッスン 9: 2/22

連用形(れんようけい)Formal Conjunctive

Used primarily in written language


Verb[stem]+ Phrase
[い]Adjective[+ Phrase


  • 使用域



In Japanese, the conjunctive form is often called 'the ます form', or 'the conjunctive form'. 'The conjunctive form' is much more accurate, as it is used with more than just verbs. Basically, the conjunctive form is the form of any word that will be used in standard conjugation with other structures. For い-Adjectives, this is the form that uses く, for verbs, the ます stem.

The reason that conjunctive form is sometimes referred to as 'the formal conjunctive' is due to its use before a comma. Usually, the conjunction particle て would be used to separate clauses in sentences, however, the formal conjunctive allows this to be done without て. Let's look at some examples.

As we can see, although て is not required, a 読点(とうてん) (Japanese comma) will be required to prevent the sentence from becoming confusing.


This type of conjugation is seen primarily in formal writing, and the standard て form will be heard much more frequently in daily speech.




    The wind blew, a demon appeared.


    The sky is blue, (and) bigger than the sea.


    I was going too fast, (and) a cop pulled me over.


    I went to the park, (and) played with kids.


    Have big dreams, (and) be ambitious!

  • ご登録いただくと、より多くの例文にアクセスできます。





  • オンライン

    • オフライン

        • [AIAIJ] An Integrated Approach to Intermediate Japanese

          Page 133

        • Tae Kim's Japanese Grammar Guide

          Page 302

        • Tobira

          Page 18

        • みんなの日本語 II

          Page 90 [CH 39]

      • リソースを追跡する!



      最近の返信 (合計9件)

      • mrthuvi


        It’s in the text I came across in a JLPT reading book.

      • ljoekelsoey


        It might not be required as " 母乳を求め母を呼ぶ" is not a separate clause in this case. I had a wee thought as well where you wouldn’t use a comma with the informal conjunctive


        You’d stick a comma after 行って as it is separating the clauses, but you wouldn’t stick a comma after 買って as they’re the same clause. I wonder if your 母乳 sentence would fall into this category.

        Asked my wife (she’s a native speaker and wives are usually right anyway). She’s not sure that it is absolutely required, however its unusual to not have a comma, and in this sentence it doesn’t have any 違和感. Adding in the commas is apparently very common in business Japanese as its seen as making the sentence easier to read and therefore is considerate and polite which is pretty much essential in Japanese.

        A penny for your thoughts @mrnoone or @pushindawood

      • Daru


        Commas are usually added in for pause to make things easier to understand, and to avoid misunderstandings. You can read more about this here:

      「連用形」について質問がありますか? 話し合ったり、質問をしてみんなで学びましょう!
