Grammar Info

N0 Lesson 2: 4/12

So?, Well? (friendly or familiar)



    About い

    い is a sentence-ending particle in Japanese that will often be seen in compound structures with other particles, or auxiliary verbs. It adds a sense of familiarity and friendliness to the base meaning of what it is being paired with.

    い is usually only used by men, when speaking to someone of a lower social position. This social position difference is more in reference to age than anything else, so い being used when an elderly person is speaking to a younger person is very common.

    This feeling of familiarity is best conveyed when い is paired with the sentence-ending particle か, or the auxiliary verb だ.

    い may also be paired with more emphatic sentence-ending particles such as わ, や, and ぞ, or the auxiliary verb た. However, these combinations are far less common, and won't be seen very often.


    Despite い primarily being used by men, it is not a strict rule, and women do occasionally use it. This is especially true when partnered with either か, だ, or わ.

    • 風呂(ふろ)のお()加減(かげん)はちょうどいいか
      Is the temperature of the bath just right?


    Although uncommon, い can also be used with the imperative form of verbs to create a slightly less strict sounding order or command.

    • それで無理(むり)ならこうやり
      If that doesn't work, do it like this.
    • おい田中(たなか)、ちょっとこっち()
      Hey, Tanaka, come here for a second.

    Once again, this use is very rare, and will almost never actually be used in real life. It may, however, appear in books.


    • (きみ)()(かい)()るか

      So will you come to the drinking party too?

      • (きみ)将来(しょうらい)(なに)になりたいんだ

        So what do you want to be in the future?

        • 迷子(まいご)かい?一緒(いっしょ)にお(かあ)さんを(さが)すか

          You're lost? Well will we search for your mom together?

          • (なに)(なや)んでいるだ(ぼく)相談(そうだん)しなさい。

            So what are you fretting about? Please discuss it with me.

            • 何時(なんじ)までに(いえ)(かえ)らなくちゃいけないんだ

              So what time do you need to return home by?

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