Verb + (の) + かい
[い]Adjective + (の) + かい
Noun + (なの) + かい
[な]Adjective + (なの) + かい
About かい
The sentence ending particle かい is a grammar structure that is used in Japanese to highlight a question. Despite commonly being thought of as one word, it is actually the combination of か (the sentence-ending particle) and い, another sentence-ending particle that is primarily used by men (in a similar way to ね and よ).
かい will usually be used directly after the word or phrase that it is highlighting. In the case of verbs and い-Adjectives, の may be inserted before かい. For な-Adjectives and nouns, なの may be inserted directly before it. However, の (or なの) are frequently omitted, due to how casual かい is.
When it is not omitted, の (or なの) may be shortened to ん (or なん). This is in the same way that の and なの would behave in the のです and なのです grammar structures.
Although there are some exceptions, かい will almost always be used to ask simple yes/no questions.
Because かい is very casual, and quite direct, it often sounds like an accusation. Due to this, care should be taken with your tone of voice, so as not to be taken the wrong way.
Fun Fact
Outside of かい, the sentence ending particle い is not commonly used in modern Japanese, and therefore will only appear in a few very specific structures (like だい). Despite being similar to ね, い is considered to be fairly ぞんざい 'rough', and should only be used with people that you are very familiar with, and never to someone above you.
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かい – Grammar Discussion
Most Recent Replies (5 in total)
question marker
- Verb + の ・かい
- Noun + な・の ・かい
- いAdj + の ・かい
- なAdj + なの・かい
strongly masculine
[masculine yes/no question marker]
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Both the pages linked in Readings show many examples of using かい without の, but bunpro doesn’t accept that (with a warning). Is it really needed?
it is not, I have fixed it so that now かい by itself is also accepted.
かい is often discussed in conjunction with だい as masculine question markers. Are there any plans to add だい to this grammar point or have one of it’s own?
@Johnathan-Weir Of course it is in plans
Hi all!
When after a noun or na-adjective, would contracting …なのかい? to …なんかい? be correct, in the same way that …なのだ can be contracted to …なんだ in casual speech?
(Last time I checked, …なんかい wasn’t accepted by Bunpro - not sure about now)
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