Verb + との + Noun
[い]Adjective + との + Noun
[な]Adjective + (だ) + との + Noun
Noun + (だ) + との + Noun
About との
との is a compound particle made up of the case-marking particle と in its quotation use, and the case-marking particle の. Effectively, this marks the previous statement as a quote, before の then indicates that the whole statement is an attribute of the following word. In many cases, this will simply be translated as ‘that’, or ‘to’.
As always with the quotation use of と, it will appear after almost any word, and may or may not be separated from nouns and な-Adjectives with だ.
This expression indicates that the preceding information is information of some type, and will therefore usually be followed by a noun that highlights what type of communication it was. Common examples include 提案 ‘proposal’, 知らせ ’notice’, 意向 ‘inclination’, 依頼 ‘request’, 見方 ‘point of view’, 指摘 ‘pointing out’, 報告 ‘report’, etc.
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Many economists maintain the opinion that business conditions are in the process of recovering.
The government officials stressed that their intention was to promote the popularization of electric vehicles.
Mr. Tanaka made clear his view that the new antitrust law is full of loopholes.
The biography of a detective: 'In 2002, he received a request to find a runaway man that went to South Africa.'
あの日、 雪崩が発生したとの報告もあったが、けが人が出ているかどうかは確認されていなかった。
That day there was also a report that an avalanche had occurred, but it was not clear whether any injured people had appeared.
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