Noun + ともあろう + もの(1) + が
(1) 方、人
About ともあろう
ともあろう is a grammatical structure in Japanese which highlights either the skill or responsibility that a particular person or organization has, and what they are doing despite that, or that contradicts that. It will be interpreted as ‘(A) of all people’, or ‘such as (A)’. Often, ともあろう will be followed by the speaker's opinion about how (A) is being ignorant of what is expected of them.
This construction is a combination of the case-marking particle と, the adverbial particle も, and the volitional form of the う-Verb ある, あろう ‘to be’. The literal meaning is ‘even a (B) such as (A), (C)’, with (C) being something unexpected or unwanted. ともあろう will be seen after nouns, and may be followed by the conjunction particle が ‘but’, or a combination of the noun もの and が for further emphasis.
もの is primarily used for emphasis, and other words such as 方 ‘individual’, or 人 ‘person’ may also be used.
Occasionally, this grammar pattern may be used sarcastically towards someone of the same position or lower. The context of the sentence is the only thing that would clarify whether it is criticism or sarcasm.
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For Mr. Tanaka of all people to make such a silly mistake.
Of all people, It is unbelievable that a member of the Diet who calls for the protection of nature would litter at the beach.
A joke like this in such turbulent times? And from a member of parliament of all people…
Superior to his subordinate, Sakamoto: 'I cannot believe that of all people, brilliant subordinate such as you would make this kind of mistake. Why did you do such a thing?'
ファンタジー映画:「 賢いウィザードともあろう者がいつ正気を失った?」
Fantasy movie: 'When did the wise wizard of all people lose all sanity?'
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