Grammar Info

N1 Lesson 9: 12/20

(かた)くないNot hard to, Not difficult to, Easy to, Is obvious that


Most common pattern:
想像(そうぞう) + (する)+ (かた)くない

Less common patterns:
予想(よそう) + (する)+ (かた)くない
(さっ)する + (かた)くない
理解(りかい) + (する)+ (かた)くない
推測(すいそく) + (する)+ (かた)くない


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About に難くない

にかたくない is a formal grammar pattern that uses a different version of the い-Adjective (むずか)しい 'difficult', (かた)い, which has the same meaning. This adjective will be used in the negative, in order to indicate that something is 'not difficult'. The case-marking particle に at the beginning is limited to following verbs that indicate thinking or conjecture.

This structure will only appear with quite a limited number of verbs, with 想像(そうぞう) 'to imagine', 予想(よそう) 'to predict', (さっ)する 'to infer' or 'to sense', 理解(りかい) 'to understand', and 推測(すいそく) 'to guess' making up the majority of them.

Fun Fact

Many words have alternative forms that will be described as (A) の(あらた)まった表現(ひょうげん) 'the reformed version of (A)' in Japanese dictionaries. Although the standard meaning of the る-Verb (あらた)まる is 'to redo', it can also often be 'to reform' in the sense of making something ceremonious or formal. (A) will usually be the far more common or everyday version of a word, such as with (むずか)しい in the case of this grammar point.




    It is not hard to imagine the awe that the pyramids likely inspired in the ancients.


    It is not hard to guess what happens to passengers when an airplane crashes.


    It is not hard to imagine that the tragic events of that day likely affected her greatly.


    It is not hard to understand the reason why this game that is filled with violence caused controversy in the '90s.


    It is not hard to imagine how much responsibility a bus driver shoulders.

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      に難くない – Grammar Discussion