
N2 レッスン 8: 11/22


Seemingly, Giving appearance of, [Expresses emotions or feelings]


Verb[ます+ + (1)
[い]Adjective[+ + (1)
[な]Adjective + + (1)

(1) + Noun


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, sometimes seen in the kanji form () is a suffix in Japanese that expresses that something is 'giving off the feeling of (A)', or 'seems like (A)'. is frequently used in relation to emotions, feelings, and things that the speaker generally can't be 100% sure of due to them not being directly visible.
is primarily seen used after the stem form of い-Adjectives, but may also appear following the stem forms of nouns of な-Adjectives. In all of these cases, the addition of creates a new な-Adjective meaning '(A) seeming'. Due to this, may then be followed by either な or に, depending on whether it is altering a verb or a noun later in the sentence.
  • 自信(じしん)あり()えたかもしれないけど、(じつ)はめちゃくちゃ緊張(きんちょう)してて()きそうだった。
    I may have given off the appearance of being confident, but actually, I was super nervous and felt like I was going to throw up.
  • 高校生(こうこうせい)たちがファストフード(てん)(たの)(はな)しているのを()て、自分(じぶん)高校生(こうこうせい)(ころ)(おも)()した。
    When I saw highschool students seemingly having a good time talking to each other at a fast food restaurant, it reminded me of the time when I was a highschooler.
  • 高橋(たかはし)くんは不安(ふあん)()()げました。
    Seemingly nervous, Takahashi-kun raised his hand.
is more subjective (based on the speaker's opinion) than そう, and is considered to be very low confidence. This may be considered a byproduct of the original (), meaning of 'attention', referring to the way that the speaker 'senses (A)', regardless of what is actually true for (A) on the inside.




    When someone says: 'Do as I say, and you will get rich in no time', a warning light in my head turns on and I begin to think that 'this gives off the appearance of a suspicious get-rich-quick scheme'. One must always be wary of people like this.


    A: 'Why are you giving off the appearance of being so satisfied?'
    B: 'I passed the Japanese Language Proficiency Test!'


    She left with a seemingly sad look upon her face after hearing my words. I don't understand the change in her demeanor.


    Every time I see children seemingly enjoying themselves, I recall my childhood. And, without thinking, I smile.


    Looking at the children they were giving the appearance of being envious, so I divided up the candy and gave it to them.

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