
N3 レッスン 7: 1/21


One at a time, Per, Each, Gradually


1. Number + Counter + ずつ (Per/Each/At time)
2. (すこ)(1) + ずつ (Little by little)
3. いくらか + ずつ (Some … every)

(1) ちょっと、わずか


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ずつ, or (ずつ) in its kanji form, is a suffix in Japanese that is used to highlight things that occur/exist in specific amounts. It is often translated simply as 'each', 'per', or 'at a time'. Depending on the source, ずつ may also be considered to be an adverbial particle. However, this will not change the way that it is utilized.
ずつ is used directly after the number/amount of something that it is highlighting as being the 'at a time' grouping.
  • メニュー()ってるもの(ひと)ずつちょうだい。
    Give me one of each thing on the menu thanks!
  • 一人(ひとり)ずつゆっくり(はい)りください。
    Please enter slowly, one person at a time.
  • この(さけ)(つよ)ので(すこ)ずつ()んでください。
    This alcohol is strong, so please drink a little at a time.
  • 毎月(まいつき)いくらかずつ(かね)()めて旅行(りょこう)()
    Every month, I want to save up some money, and go on a trip.
Fun Fact
The kanji, (ずつ), literally means 'allotment', and refers to distinct groupings. It is regularly used in reference to where people live (their address being considered their 'allotment'). In these cases though, it has the reading (あて). For ずつ, 'allotment' may also be used as an accurate translation in almost all situations.
  • (ひと)グループずつ(まえ)()()てください
    Please come to the front one group at a time. (Group = allotment)
  • パーティーに()(ひと)一人(ひとり)(ひと)ずつ()(もの)()って()てください
    Whoever is coming to the party, please bring your own portion of food. (Portion = allotment)


  • 地球温暖化(ちきゅうおんだんか)のため、気温(きおん)(ねん)ごとに0.008()ずつ()がる。

    Due to global warming, the atmospheric temperature rises (gradually) by 0.008°C per year.

    In similar cases, ずつ can be omitted, though it will lose emphasis. 0.008 = れいてんれいれいはち.

  • 生徒(せいと)は10(にん)ずつのグループに()かれてバス()った。

    The students were broken up into groups of 10 each and got on the buses.

    ずつ can be omitted.

  • 名探偵(めいたんてい)ゴナン:「この(なぞ)解明(かいめい)(すこ)ずつ(ちか)づいている。」

    Detective Gonan: 'We are gradually getting closer to solving this mystery.'

  • 一人(ひとり)ずつ入場(にゅうじょう)できる。

    One person can enter at a time.

  • 10ずつ()けて(かぞ)えてください。

    Please divide (it) into 10's and count. (allotments of 10)

    Sometimes expressions with ずつ are vague, so we have to guess the meaning from context. If there was '子供を', then it would mean 'to group children by ten, and count the number of groups'.

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    • Tobira

      Page 259

    • [DBJG] A Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar

      Page 572

    • [AIAIJ] An Integrated Approach to Intermediate Japanese

      Page 76

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