
N3 レッスン 2: 10/22

(ため)For, For the sake of, In order to


Verb[る]+ ため(に)
Noun + + ため(に)


  • 使用域



ため (or (ため) in its kanji form) is a noun in Japanese that can be translated quite closely to 'sake' in English. However, it is classified as a non-independent word in Japanese, and must always be connected to another word which illustrates the 'sake' that ため is highlighting. The case marking particle に will often be added after ため, to show that (A) is a goal that something will be done to reach.

Due to this, ために can be translated as 'for the sake of (A)', or 'in order to (A)'.

To use ために, attach it to the end of verb in its non-past form, or a noun followed by の.

Fun Fact

Despite mainly being used to highlight goals, or things dictating an action, ため is also sometimes used to highlight events that have already taken place, and their results. Due to this, a more accurate translation of ため (in all of its uses) is 'in light of (A)'. This simply highlights that (A) is the primary or major event/thing that resulted in (B), or will result in (B).

When ため highlights past events, it is often translated simply as 'due to', or 'because of'.




    I took a loan in order to buy a house.


    I am not studying just for the sake of getting a good score.


    I want to know what I am living for.


    It's very hard to only work for money.


    You have to save enough money for your retirement.

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最近の返信 (合計13件)

  • Yryrdz


    This helps a ton! Thank you very much.

  • Chrispy


    It appears that nothing has changed since the initial request? I think the grammar point should be updated.

  • Isurandil492


    日本語()能力試験()()かるために 頑張()って勉強()している。

    I am studying hard in order to pass the JLPT.

    Since I just fell for that: It’s 受る, not 受る, so “to pass” is correct.

「ため(に)」について質問がありますか? 話し合ったり、質問をしてみんなで学びましょう!
