
N3 レッスン 3: 21/22

その(ため)For that reason, Because of that, To that end


そのため + (に) + Phrase


  • 使用域



そのために is a frequently used conjunction in Japanese that utilizes その, the noun ため 'reason' (occasionally seen as (ため)), and the case marking particle . そのために is most commonly translated as 'for that reason', or 'to that end'.

そのために will be used at the beginning of a new sentence, to highlight something that will be done/occur due to the circumstances/goal of something in the first sentence. is often omitted.


ため is very similar to 'sake' in English, and tends to be used far more frequently when referring to goals/positive outcomes, than it is for negative outcomes. However, it may still occasionally be used in negative circumstances, to highlight their (unfortunate) result.

Fun Fact

(ため) is an exceptionally flexible kanji in Japanese. In addition to ため it is occasionally used for する 'to do', なる 'to become', なす 'to bring about', and つくる 'to make'. The kanji itself means 'to put (something) to use', with heavy emphasis on whatever new state/result will be arrived at afterwards. This meaning can be seen reflected in all of (ため)'s readings.





    I support a family of 5. For that reason I work. (for the sake of that)


    I worked until late. Because of that I overslept. (for the sake of that)


    The company went bankrupt. Because of that I lost my job. (for the sake of that)


    I am a railway 'enthusiast'. I take pictures of a variety of trains, because of that I sometimes pull all-nighters. (for the sake of that)


    I will make her dream a reality. For that reason I want to do all I can (to help). (for the sake of that)

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  • オンライン

    • オフライン



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      最近の返信 (合計7件)

      • Asher


        Here are some english equivalents that will clear it up.
        それで= ‘And with that’ - I did this.
        そのために= ‘And to that end’ - I did this.

        Pretty much the same in formality too.

      • mrthuvi


        Why is the に not needed here?

      • Daru


        Inexcusably late reply, but:

        Basically, it’s a very small difference, but に is dropped to bring greater emphasis to what comes after the ため.

        For example, if I were to say:

        Without に, I’m emphasizing the 書いた bit due to the natural pause in the absence of に and the feeling is like me, writing, was a big deal.

        Whereas the second one emphasizes ため (as we know, に marks the final destination of something) so I’m emphasizing that I’m doing it for you.

        Hope this helps!

      「そのため(に)」について質問がありますか? 話し合ったり、質問をしてみんなで学びましょう!
