
N4 レッスン 6: 5/16


You could say, You might say


Verb + いってもいい
[い]Adjective + いってもいい
[な]Adjective + () + いってもいい
Noun + () + いってもいい


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()ってもいい is a common expression in Japanese which literally means 'even if you say (A), it is good/ok'. This is translated more naturally as 'you could say (A)', or 'you might say (A)'.
As the at the beginning of the phrase is the 'quotation' use of the particle, ()ってもいい may be used after almost any statement that the speaker wants to quote.
  • あの(ひと)一日(いちにち)7(しょく)()べているから一日中(いちにちじゅう)()ている()ってもいい
    That person eats 7 meals a day, so you could say that he is eating all day.
  • そのスポーツ(あぶ)()ってもいい
    You could say that sport is dangerous.
  • あの(ひと)仕事(しごと)やり(かた)丁寧(ていねい)()ってもいい
    You could say that how that person works is careful.
  • 彼女(かのじょ)すご(やさ)(ひと)()ってもいいでしょう
    It is safe to say that she is a very nice person.
Fun Fact
Most grammatical structures in Japanese that use ()う will often appear without kanji. This is simply to make them easier to recognize as a grammar pattern, rather than a standard word in a sentence. This is also true for patterns that include ()く, or ().




    You might say that he is a very good person.


    You might say that that kid can swim like a fish.


    You could say that he can't speak a word of Japanese.


    You might say that they are together. (Dating)


    One might say that this is a palatable wine.

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      最近の返信 (合計2件)

      • deltacat3


        In this example sentence has me a little stumped…

        You could say that he is fast enough to beat Usain Bolt.

        Why is Usain Bolt marked by the particle に, and why is 勝つ “to win” in the progressive tense?
        Before enabling translation I read this as “You could say he is fast and beating Usain Bolt”.

        I hope I am not asking to many questions, thank you in advance!

      • Pushindawood


        @deltacat3 「だれだれ勝つ」 means “to beat someone” or “win against someone.” “勝てる” is not the progressive tense but the potential form of 勝つ. So, 「ウサイン・ボルトに勝つ」 means “to beat Usain Bolt” or “to win against Usain Bolt.” 「ウサイン・ボルトに勝てる」therefore means “to be able to win against Usain Bolt” or “to be able to beat Usain Bolt.” Cheers!

        P.S. に負ける means “to lose against.” So, 「ウサイン・ボルトに負けない」 could also work, as it means “to not lose to Usain Bolt.”

      「といってもいい」について質問がありますか? 話し合ったり、質問をしてみんなで学びましょう!
