
N5 レッスン 2: 9/12


The last と in a group is generally omitted.


Noun +


  • 品詞


  • 単語の種類


  • 使用域



is a particle that is often thought of as meaning 'and' in English, which is usually how it can be translated. In a broader sense, simply shows that there is a relationship of 'compilation' between (A) and (B). That relationship could be existing together (translated as 'and'), or performing an action together (translated as 'with').

In this case, we will focus on the 'and' translation. A full description of as 'with' can be found here.

is required after every noun that it is grouped with. However, the last in a sentence will often be omitted, if there are several.

In this example, we can see that the last noun in the group (pencil) does not require the particle , although it is considered more correct to have it. In conversation, the last will almost always be omitted.




    Fish and bananas.


    Tom and Jerry.


    Coffee and milk.


    River and waterfall.


    This and that are mine.

  • ご登録いただくと、より多くの例文にアクセスできます。






最近の返信 (合計8件)

  • deltacat3


    I eat fruit and (also) bread.

    When a list is marked by も is it always inclusive to the entire list or just the last listed thing?
    The difference between “fruit and (also) bread.” or “(also) fruit and bread.”

  • Asher


    Hi there, and sorry for the ‘very’ late reply!

    も always highlights the last thing in the list as being something unique included as part of the group that is being listed before it. It also often highlights that it is not often part of the group being listed before it, but in this case is. Basically one of the two following things.

    (A) is a group to which (Bも) is a part, but not the main topic.
    (A) is a group to which (Bも) is surprisingly a part, and still not the main topic.

    In both cases, whatever も highlights is not the ‘main’ thing. Just something small being added in for emphasis.

  • JusticeforNerds


    Not sure where else to mark it, but this may be a good addition or example sentence for the と grammar point somewhere in Bunpro.
    From a past N1 exam: この鍋は、炒め物に、揚げ物に何にでも使えて便利です。
    For whatever reason, I couldn’t wrap my head around this one at first. After discussing it with a Japanese native speaker and consulting the internet, I understood it as
    この鍋は、A と (meaning ‘and’) B でも使えて便利です。
    “As for this pot, you can use either A or B and it’s useful.”
    where A = 炒め物に、揚げ物に, literally “towards fried food, towards deep fried food”
    and B = 何に, literally “towards something.”

    Am I crazy or is that kind of hard to grasp?

「と」について質問がありますか? 話し合ったり、質問をしてみんなで学びましょう!
