
N3 レッスン 8: 4/23

(とも)Together with, At the same time, As well as


Verb + (とも)
[い]Adjective + (とも)
[な]Adjective + である + (とも)
Noun + (とも)


  • 使用域



(とも) is a noun in Japanese that is frequently used as a either a prefix, or a suffix. In the case of (とも), it is used in conjunction with the case marking particle と as an adverb. (とも) expresses that (A) will happen 'together with (B)', or 'at the same time as (B)'.

(とも) may be used after verbs, い-Adjectives, な-Adjectives or nouns. With な-Adjectives, it will sometimes be preceded by である.

Fun Fact

(とも) is a structure that is used when two things are 'existing' in the same way. This means that it may be used to show mutual actions, or that it may be used to show mutual qualities (states of existence). Because of this nuance 'to be mutually (A)' is one of the closest literal translations of (とも). (A) may be an action, an adjective, or even a noun!




    Gone with the Wind.


    I am healthy physically, as well as mentally.


    (I) departed with the break of dawn. (together with)


    I am becoming overwhelmed with surprise coupled with delight.


    I still work together with my father.

  • ご登録いただくと、より多くの例文にアクセスできます。





  • オンライン

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        • [AIAIJ] An Integrated Approach to Intermediate Japanese

          Page 270

        • Tobira

          Page 259

        • Tobira

          Page 331

      • リソースを追跡する!



      最近の返信 (合計13件)

      • ulurujamman


        Came here to query the same sentence. The point about 心身ともに being a set phrase is very interesting, but I’m still none the wiser as to whether the translation to the original sentence is strictly correct (or whether the original sentence would read awkwardly to a native japanese speaker).

      • narfi


        The 日本語の森 video shows examples where と共に can be replaced with と一緒に and where it cannot. Now, there have been multiple questions on this topic in this thread. I have also used 一緒 に several times in my answers to this grammar point and always gotten ✗. Of course, I >think< I am always using in the right contact where these are interchangable but I don’t really know without consulting a native speaker.

        May I be as bold as to suggest that you catch it when the user enters と一緒に and use it as a teaching opportunity. You can give the appropriate feedback:

        a) good job, this fits here but we are looking for something that can also mean “at the same time, as well as”
        b) sorry, this doesn’t fit because it means “together with”. Think of “at the same time, as well as”

        This might help reinforce the overlap and difference between the two phrases.

      • Daru


        I’ve taken your suggestion to the content team. I agree its a good idea!

      「と共に」について質問がありますか? 話し合ったり、質問をしてみんなで学びましょう!
