
N4 レッスン 6: 12/16


Want ~ to ~ like ~, Want ~ to be able to ~, Want ~ to ~ in the way of ~


Verb + ように + Verb[て] + ほしい
Noun + ように + Verb[て] + ほしい


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(A) ように~てほしい is an expression in Japanese which combines the auxiliary verb, ようだ, with the てほしい structure (indicating that you/someone else wants someone to do something). As ようだ is being linked to a verb which comes later in the sentence, it will take on the adverbial form ように.
This expression is used to highlight that you (or someone else) want someone to do something 'in the way of (A)'.
  • 弁護士(べんごし)になれるように頑張(がんば)てほしい
    I want you to work your hardest, so that you can become a lawyer.
  • このチーム大会(たいかい)()てるようになってほしい
    I want this team to be able to win a tournament.
  • (まえ)スポーツ選手(せんしゅ)ように(はし)てほしい
    I want you to run like an athlete.
  • もっとアナウンサーように(はな)てほしい
    I want you to talk more like an announcer.
Note that when ように follows a noun, will be required.
Either or may mark the thing that the speaker 'wants' to do. It is more common for to be used to mark people, while will often mark events/objects.
  • あなたに漢字(かんじ)()けるようになってほしい
    I want you to be able to write kanji.
  • 事故(じこ)()くなるように運転(うんてん)てほしい
    I want people to drive in a way that will reduce accidents.
Fun Fact
Sometimes and will be switched, if either of those particles have already been used somewhere else in a sentence. This is mainly to avoid sounding repetitive, or confusion about what the subject of the sentence is.
  • トムに友達(ともだち)できるようになってほしい
    I want Tom to be able to make some friends.




    I want our children to become like you.


    I want this train to run fast like a bullet train.


    I want (you) to talk like an adult even in front of my baby.


    I want (you) to study in a way that allows you to become smart.


    I want (you) to run like Usain Bolt.

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      最近の返信 (合計12件)

      • Chiinox


        I have a question about the example sentence
        " ブラジルのように負けて欲しくない" - “I don’t want you to lose like Brazil.”
        The following sentence isn’t accepted:
        " ブラジルのように負けなくて欲しい"

        I’m wondering, does it change the meaning, or is it not grammatically correct? If so, why? Moving the negative from ほしい to 負ける. In English it’d be the difference between “I want you to not lose” / “I don’t want you to lose” which is basically the same thing.

      • IcyIceBear


        Opposite meaning the way I see it. (If it’s grammatically correct I’m not sure)

        The correct answer
        “I don’t want you to lose like Brazil
        ブラジルのように負けて欲しくない like Brazil, lose, don’t want

        The one you tried
        “I want you to not lose, like Brazil
        ブラジルのように負けなくて欲しい like Brazil not lose, want

        The first, Brazil lost and I don’t want you to be like them

        The second, Brazil didn’t lose, and I want you to be like them

      • nekoyama


        This should be 負けないで欲しい.

        As for the difference in nuance…

      「ように~てほしい」について質問がありますか? 話し合ったり、質問をしてみんなで学びましょう!
