Vocab Info

N1 Adverb


distinctly (standing out), clearly, in sharp relief, boldly


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    • 単語の種類





      The sharp contrast of black and white is distinctly beautiful. {distinctly (standing out), clearly, in sharp relief, boldly}

      • N1


      I wonder if I would have distinctly defined contours if I lost weight... {distinctly (standing out), clearly, in sharp relief, boldly}

      • N1


      Because the weather is good, the line that continues from peak to peak of the mountain can be seen distinctly. {distinctly (standing out), clearly, in sharp relief, boldly}

      • N1


      Compared to him, with his distinctly defined facial features, my face is... as flat as it is handsome. {distinctly (standing out), clearly, in sharp relief, boldly}

      • N1


      The sight of the white tower standing out distinctly against the blue sky is famous as a tourist attraction. {distinctly (standing out), clearly, in sharp relief, boldly}

      • N1
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