Vocab Info

A6 Expressions, Adverb taking the 'to' Particle, No-adjective

なんやかんやone thing or another, this and that, something or another

    Dictionary Definition

    1. Expressions, Adverb taking the 'to' Particle, No-adjective


      one thing or another, this and that, something or another

    All Forms

    何やかんや 【なんやかんや】何や彼んや 【なんやかんや】



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      After one thing or another, I made up with him. {one thing or another, this and that, something or another}


      I was worried, but one thing or another worked out well. {one thing or another, this and that, something or another}


      For one reason or another, it seems that my mother and father are reconsidering their divorce. {one thing or another, this and that, something or another}


      I complain a lot, but after all is said and done, I really love my husband. {one thing or another, this and that, something or another}


      They often fight, but through this and that, my father and mother are always together. {one thing or another, this and that, something or another}

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