Vocab Info

A1 う-Verb


to feel nervous, to feel self-conscious, to feel surprise, to get cold feet, to get the jitters, to feel frightened


    • Netflix Top 2,800

    • Part of Speech


    • 単語の書類





      The rookie actor is getting cold feet on the big stage. {to feel nervous, to feel self-conscious, to feel surprise, to get cold feet, to get the jitters, to feel frightened}

      • N1


      I am feeling a bit nervous in front of the interviewer. {to feel nervous, to feel self-conscious, to feel surprise, to get cold feet, to get the jitters, to feel frightened}

      • N1


      I got cold feet and couldn't invite the person I like to the fireworks festival. {to feel nervous, to feel self-conscious, to feel surprise, to get cold feet, to get the jitters, to feel frightened}

      • N1


      It would be bad if the other person found out that I'm feeling frightened. I must pretend to be okay! {to feel nervous, to feel self-conscious, to feel surprise, to get cold feet, to get the jitters, to feel frightened}

      • N1


      There's no way that pro wrestler, who has fought in countless matches, would get cold feet in a match. {to feel nervous, to feel self-conscious, to feel surprise, to get cold feet, to get the jitters, to feel frightened}

      • N1
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