Vocab Info

A2 する Noun


going back to sleep (e.g. after waking up in the morning)


    • Anime Top 27,800

    • Part of Speech

      する Noun

    • 単語の書類





      Today is a holiday, so let's go back to sleep! {going back to sleep (e.g. after waking up in the morning)}

      • N1


      I was late to work because I went back to sleep. {going back to sleep (e.g. after waking up in the morning)}

      • N1


      It is said that going back to sleep (e.g. after waking up in the morning) is not good for your health. {going back to sleep (e.g. after waking up in the morning)}

      • N1


      Despite going through the trouble of waking up early, I ended up going back to sleep and wasted the whole morning. {going back to sleep (e.g. after waking up in the morning)}

      • N1


      Monologue: "If only I hadn't given into temptation and gone back to sleep, I wouldn't have been late for school!" {going back to sleep (e.g. after waking up in the morning)}

      • N1
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