Vocab Info

N2 Adverb


quite, really, very, extremely, nothing, not a bit, not at all


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      My test score is 70 points, and I can't say anything at all. {quite, really, very, extremely, nothing, not a bit, not at all}

      • N2


      A brother to his younger brother: 'What? You got involved with loan sharks? That's absolutely appalling...' {quite, really, very, extremely, nothing, not a bit, not at all}

      • N2


      Classmate: 'I'm a short sleeper, so staying up all night is no big deal for me.' {quite, really, very, extremely, nothing, not a bit, not at all}

      • N2


      She is the strongest. After all, she doesn't think anything at all of taking risks. {quite, really, very, extremely, nothing, not a bit, not at all}

      • N2


      The president to his subordinate: 'What an extremely impertinent question! It's not just a matter of losing your job, it's at the level of being sued!' {quite, really, very, extremely, nothing, not a bit, not at all}

      • N2
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