Vocab Info

A2 Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb

冷遇(れいぐう)cold reception, inhospitality

    Dictionary Definition

    1. Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb


      cold reception, inhospitality

    All Forms

    冷遇 【れいぐう】



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      The employee who was receiving a cold reception from his boss has quit. {cold reception, inhospitality}

      • N1


      People who have committed sexual violence against children are given a cold reception by society. {cold reception, inhospitality}

      • N1


      It's very pitiful that employees with real abilities are being given a cold reception. {cold reception, inhospitality}

      • N1


      It seems that he decided to sue the company for receiving an unfair cold reception. {cold reception, inhospitality}

      • N1


      It seems he is being given a cold reception because he is an outsider, and there is no justifiable reason for it. {cold reception, inhospitality}

      • N1
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