Vocab Info

A2 う-Verb


to take in, to bring in, to adopt (e.g. behaviour), to introduce, to capture (e.g. image), to import, to win over, to please, to curry favour with, to flatter, to defraud of, to swindle, to embezzle, to be busy, to be in confusion, to have trouble


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    • (あめ)()ってきたので洗濯(せんたく)(ぶつ)()()みました。

      Since it started raining, I brought in the laundry. {to take in, to bring in, to adopt (e.g. behaviour), to introduce, to capture (e.g. image), to import, to win over, to please, to curry favour with, to flatter, to defraud of, to swindle, to embezzle, to be busy, to be in confusion, to have trouble}

      • N1
    • 営業(えいぎょう)()えたレストランの店長(てんちょう)暖簾(のれん)()()んだ。

      The manager of the restaurant, which had finished its business for the day, took in the curtain at the entrance. {to take in, to bring in, to adopt (e.g. behaviour), to introduce, to capture (e.g. image), to import, to win over, to please, to curry favour with, to flatter, to defraud of, to swindle, to embezzle, to be busy, to be in confusion, to have trouble}

      • N1
    • (かれ)はお(みせ)(きん)()()んだ(こと)原因(げんいん)逮捕(たいほ)されてしまった。

      He was arrested because he embezzled the store's money. {to take in, to bring in, to adopt (e.g. behaviour), to introduce, to capture (e.g. image), to import, to win over, to please, to curry favour with, to flatter, to defraud of, to swindle, to embezzle, to be busy, to be in confusion, to have trouble}

      • N1
    • 社長(しゃちょう)上手(うま)()()んで出世(しゅっせ)をするとは…彼女(かのじょ)世渡(よわた)りが上手(じょうず)です。

      To win over the president and climb the corporate ladder... she is really good at navigating the world. {to take in, to bring in, to adopt (e.g. behaviour), to introduce, to capture (e.g. image), to import, to win over, to please, to curry favour with, to flatter, to defraud of, to swindle, to embezzle, to be busy, to be in confusion, to have trouble}

      • N1
    • 消防(しょうぼう)(いん)たちが(ちか)くの火事(かじ)()()んでいるらしく、消防署(しょうぼうしょ)には(いま)(じん)(すく)ない。

      It seems that the firefighters are busy dealing with a nearby fire, so there are currently few people at the fire station. {to take in, to bring in, to adopt (e.g. behaviour), to introduce, to capture (e.g. image), to import, to win over, to please, to curry favour with, to flatter, to defraud of, to swindle, to embezzle, to be busy, to be in confusion, to have trouble}

      • N1
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