Vocab Info

N1 Expression


in all, in total, collectively, in addition, besides, at the same time


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    • 単語の種類





      The total number of new students this year is 360. {in all, in total, collectively, in addition, besides, at the same time}

      • N1


      The total cost of the shopping was twenty-five thousand yen. {in all, in total, collectively, in addition, besides, at the same time}

      • N1


      In this city, there are, in total, two thousand middle school students when you combine the student populations of each school. {in all, in total, collectively, in addition, besides, at the same time}

      • N1


      Chief: "If it comes to a total of thirty thousand yen, I will pay the entire amount." {in all, in total, collectively, in addition, besides, at the same time}

      • N1


      Principal: "In our school, we have nearly a thousand students in total across all grades." {in all, in total, collectively, in addition, besides, at the same time}

      • N1
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