Vocab Info

N2 う-Verb


to mutter, to murmur, to grumble, to tweet (Twitter)


    • Pitch Accent

    • Novels Top 800

    • Word Type


    • 単語の種類





      Muttering to oneself in a grumbling manner. {to mutter, to murmur, to grumble, to tweet (Twitter)}

      • N2


      The suspicious person is mumbling incomprehensible words. {to mutter, to murmur, to grumble, to tweet (Twitter)}

      • N2


      My father mumbled something, but I didn't know what he said. {to mutter, to murmur, to grumble, to tweet (Twitter)}

      • N2


      Even if you mutter in your heart, it will not be conveyed to the other person. {to mutter, to murmur, to grumble, to tweet (Twitter)}

      • N2


      Even though I muttered in a low voice, the teacher warned me not to talk during class. {to mutter, to murmur, to grumble, to tweet (Twitter)}

      • N2
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