Vocab Info

N1 Noun


land mine, booby trap, topic that sets one off (esp. based on previous experience), sensitive topic, taboo topic


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      A land mine is a bomb buried underground. {land mine, booby trap, topic that sets one off (esp. based on previous experience), sensitive topic, taboo topic}

      • N1


      My grandmother lost one of her legs due to a land mine. {land mine, booby trap, topic that sets one off (esp. based on previous experience), sensitive topic, taboo topic}

      • N1


      The person who stepped on a land mine has unfortunately passed away. {land mine, booby trap, topic that sets one off (esp. based on previous experience), sensitive topic, taboo topic}

      • N1


      Setting up land mines everywhere... They must have no regard for human life. {land mine, booby trap, topic that sets one off (esp. based on previous experience), sensitive topic, taboo topic}

      • N1


      Upon hearing that there are land mines with enough power to completely destroy a tank, I was utterly terrified. {land mine, booby trap, topic that sets one off (esp. based on previous experience), sensitive topic, taboo topic}

      • N1
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