Vocab Info

N2 Noun


lump, mass, bundle, clump, clod, cluster, group, crowd, embodiment (of an idea, quality, feeling etc.), personification


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      Caramel is a lump of sugar. {lump, mass, bundle, clump, clod, cluster, group, crowd, embodiment (of an idea, quality, feeling etc.), personification}

      • N2


      Let's thinly slice the chunk of meat and make roast beef. {lump, mass, bundle, clump, clod, cluster, group, crowd, embodiment (of an idea, quality, feeling etc.), personification}

      • N2


      He is like a lump of greed. He always prioritizes his desires. {lump, mass, bundle, clump, clod, cluster, group, crowd, embodiment (of an idea, quality, feeling etc.), personification}

      • N2


      A large chunk of ice or something fell from above, and my son suffered a serious head injury. {lump, mass, bundle, clump, clod, cluster, group, crowd, embodiment (of an idea, quality, feeling etc.), personification}

      • N2


      My two-year-old son is like a bundle of curiosity, so I have no choice but to stick with him to the end. {lump, mass, bundle, clump, clod, cluster, group, crowd, embodiment (of an idea, quality, feeling etc.), personification}

      • N2
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