Vocab Info

N1 Noun

外貨(がいか)foreign currency, foreign money, foreign exchange, foreign goods, imported goods

    Dictionary Definition

    1. Noun


      foreign currency, foreign money, foreign exchange

    2. Noun


      foreign goods, imported goods

    All Forms

    外貨 【がいか】



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      Earn foreign currency in another country. {foreign currency, foreign money, foreign exchange, foreign goods, imported goods}

      • N1


      I am managing part of my assets in foreign currency. {foreign currency, foreign money, foreign exchange, foreign goods, imported goods}

      • N1


      "Which has more value now, foreign currency or the currency of the homeland?" {foreign currency, foreign money, foreign exchange, foreign goods, imported goods}

      • N1


      I was surprised when my daughter, who has never been abroad before, had foreign currency. {foreign currency, foreign money, foreign exchange, foreign goods, imported goods}

      • N1


      I came here to do a working holiday to earn foreign currency, but in the end, I just ended up idling my time away. {foreign currency, foreign money, foreign exchange, foreign goods, imported goods}

      • N1
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