Vocab Info

N1 する Noun


isolation, being alone, being friendless


    • Pitch Accent

    • Novels Top 7,900

    • Part of Speech

      する Noun

    • 単語の書類





      The rural area is isolated due to heavy snow. {isolation, being alone, being friendless}

      • N1


      There are many elderly people who are socially isolated. {isolation, being alone, being friendless}

      • N1


      We ended up being isolated, surrounded by enemies. {isolation, being alone, being friendless}

      • N1


      Only by being able to isolate the enemy's unit, can we see a chance of victory. {isolation, being alone, being friendless}

      • N1


      This country, which is under economic sanctions from many nations, is in isolation from the global economy. {isolation, being alone, being friendless}

      • N1
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