Vocab Info

A1 Noun


relief, reassurance, recognition of right to land ownership (by the shogunate, a feudal lord, etc.), living safely surrounded by walls


    • Novels Top 2,400

    • Part of Speech


    • 単語の書類





      The police officers are relieved upon knowing the hostages are safe. {relief, reassurance, recognition of right to land ownership (by the shogunate, a feudal lord, etc.), living safely surrounded by walls}

      • N1


      Heaving a sigh of relief after confirming that he passed the test. {relief, reassurance, recognition of right to land ownership (by the shogunate, a feudal lord, etc.), living safely surrounded by walls}

      • N1


      Hearing that my son, who had been in a traffic accident, regained consciousness, I felt a sense of relief. {relief, reassurance, recognition of right to land ownership (by the shogunate, a feudal lord, etc.), living safely surrounded by walls}

      • N1


      When I told the student that he had avoided failing, a look of relief appeared on his face. {relief, reassurance, recognition of right to land ownership (by the shogunate, a feudal lord, etc.), living safely surrounded by walls}

      • N1


      Just as I heaved a sigh of relief, another accident happened - there's no word for such misfortune. {relief, reassurance, recognition of right to land ownership (by the shogunate, a feudal lord, etc.), living safely surrounded by walls}

      • N1
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