Vocab Info

A2 う-Verb


to ascend (the throne), to accede, to take (seat, position, course, etc.), to assume, to start (on a journey), to commence, to depart, to study (under teacher), to be an apprentice


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    • (かれ)王座(おうざ)()いたのは15(さい)(とき)でした。

      He ascended the throne when he was 15 years old. {to ascend (the throne), to accede, to take (seat, position, course, etc.), to assume, to start (on a journey), to commence, to depart, to study (under teacher), to be an apprentice}

      • N1
    • 管理(かんり)(しょく)()いている(ちち)年収(ねんしゅう)は1千万(せんまん)()えている。

      My father, who has assumed a managerial position, earns an annual income of over 10 million. {to ascend (the throne), to accede, to take (seat, position, course, etc.), to assume, to start (on a journey), to commence, to depart, to study (under teacher), to be an apprentice}

      • N1
    • 昼寝(ひるね)をしてしまったせいで(ねむ)りに()いたのは午前(ごぜん)()でした。

      Because I ended up taking a nap, I didn't go to sleep until 2 a.m. {to ascend (the throne), to accede, to take (seat, position, course, etc.), to assume, to start (on a journey), to commence, to depart, to study (under teacher), to be an apprentice}

      • N1
    • 不倫(ふりん)をした(おっと)とお(たが)いの両親(りょうしん)(まじ)えて(はな)()いの(せき)()(こと)にした。

      We decided to have a discussion involving both our parents and my husband who had an affair, taking a seat at the negotiation table. {to ascend (the throne), to accede, to take (seat, position, course, etc.), to assume, to start (on a journey), to commence, to depart, to study (under teacher), to be an apprentice}

      • N1
    • (にん)(はな)すことが苦手(にがて)なら、営業(えいぎょう)仕事(しごと)()判断(はんだん)正解(せいかい)だとは()えません。

      If you're not good at talking with people, it can't be said that deciding to take a job in sales is the correct choice. {to ascend (the throne), to accede, to take (seat, position, course, etc.), to assume, to start (on a journey), to commence, to depart, to study (under teacher), to be an apprentice}

      • N1
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