Vocab Info

A2 Noun, Suru verb, Intransitive verb

戦没(せんぼつ)death in battle, killed in action

    Dictionary Definition

    1. Noun, Suru verb, Intransitive verb


      death in battle, killed in action

    All Forms

    戦没 【せんぼつ】戦歿 【せんぼつ】



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      Conduct a funeral for the soldier who was killed in action. {death in battle, killed in action}

      • N1


      My comrades are mourning the soldiers who were killed in action. {death in battle, killed in action}

      • N1


      That warrior died in battle, but he fought until the end. {death in battle, killed in action}

      • N1


      Upon hearing that my brother was killed in action on the battlefield, I am overwhelmed with a sense of loss. {death in battle, killed in action}

      • N1


      It seems that a memorial will be built to mourn those killed in action. {death in battle, killed in action}

      • N1
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