Vocab Info

N1 Noun


sunburn, suntan, tan, becoming discolored from the sun (e.g. paper), yellowing


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      Dispose of the wallpaper that has become discolored from the sun. {sunburn, suntan, tan, becoming discolored from the sun (e.g. paper), yellowing}

      • N1


      The surfer's body is suntanned. {sunburn, suntan, tan, becoming discolored from the sun (e.g. paper), yellowing}

      • N1


      The cover of the book has been sunburned and unfortunately turned yellowish. {sunburn, suntan, tan, becoming discolored from the sun (e.g. paper), yellowing}

      • N1


      He, who is deeply tanned, is probably a bodybuilder. {sunburn, suntan, tan, becoming discolored from the sun (e.g. paper), yellowing}

      • N1


      Monologue: "If I had taken measures against sunburn, I could have prevented these spots from appearing..." {sunburn, suntan, tan, becoming discolored from the sun (e.g. paper), yellowing}

      • N1
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