Vocab Info

N1 Noun


treetop, tip of a branch


    • Pitch Accent

    • Novels Top 7,400

    • Word Type


    • 単語の種類





      The treetops of the trees are rustling in the wind. {treetop, tip of a branch}

      • N1


      The boys played a prank of breaking the treetops. {treetop, tip of a branch}

      • N1


      The plum blossoms blooming on the treetop are very beautiful. {treetop, tip of a branch}

      • N1


      The picture was finely drawn from the trunk of the tree to the treetop. {treetop, tip of a branch}

      • N1


      A bird is perched on the treetop, but I don't know whether it is a bush warbler or not. {treetop, tip of a branch}

      • N1
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