Vocab Info

A2 Noun, Suru verb

検閲(けんえつ)censorship, inspection, examination, to censor, to inspect (in order to censor), to review (in order to censor)

    Dictionary Definition

    1. Noun, Suru verb



    2. Noun, Suru verb


      inspection, examination

    All Forms

    検閲 【けんえつ】



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      Censorship is prohibited under the Constitution of Japan. {censorship, inspection, examination, to censor, to inspect (in order to censor), to review (in order to censor)}

      • N1


      I heard that there is a term called "censorship" in psychoanalysis. {censorship, inspection, examination, to censor, to inspect (in order to censor), to review (in order to censor)}

      • N1


      Censorship is when the government forces an inspection of the content in newspapers and the like. {censorship, inspection, examination, to censor, to inspect (in order to censor), to review (in order to censor)}

      • N1


      It seems the government is conducting censorship to determine whether the books to be published are acceptable as they are. {censorship, inspection, examination, to censor, to inspect (in order to censor), to review (in order to censor)}

      • N1


      It is considered that censorship has roles such as thought control by national institutions and maintenance of public order. {censorship, inspection, examination, to censor, to inspect (in order to censor), to review (in order to censor)}

      • N1
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