Vocab Info

N1 Expression


to pay attention to another's needs, to attend to, to fuss about, to take into consideration


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    • 単語の種類





      Boss: "Be mindful of your language at work." {to pay attention to another's needs, to attend to, to fuss about, to take into consideration}

      • N1


      Guest: "Please, don't fuss about me!" {to pay attention to another's needs, to attend to, to fuss about, to take into consideration}

      • N1


      My always stylish colleague, Takeda, is always attentive to his appearance. {to pay attention to another's needs, to attend to, to fuss about, to take into consideration}

      • N1


      Since I often have to take into consideration others' needs when I'm outside, I like being alone at home the best. {to pay attention to another's needs, to attend to, to fuss about, to take into consideration}

      • N1


      Since I have to pay attention to my boss's needs, I get tired when I'm with my boss. {to pay attention to another's needs, to attend to, to fuss about, to take into consideration}

      • N1
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