Vocab Info

N1 Noun


swamp, bog, pond, lake


    • Pitch Accent

    • Dictionary Top 5,200

    • Word Type


    • 単語の種類





      The swamp is shallower than the lake. {swamp, bog, pond, lake}

      • N1


      A body of water with a depth of five meters or less is considered a pond. {swamp, bog, pond, lake}

      • N1


      Aquatic organisms such as manatees and water chestnuts are thriving in the swamp. {swamp, bog, pond, lake}

      • N1


      As soon as I stepped into the swamp, I was surprised by its temperature, which was like human skin. {swamp, bog, pond, lake}

      • N1


      My husband keeps saying things like "The swamp is an ominous place" and "There are Kappas in the swamp". {swamp, bog, pond, lake}

      • N1
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