Vocab Info

N1 う-Verb


to row, to scull, to paddle, to pedal (e.g. bicycle), to swing (on a swing), to operate a hand pump, to push through (deep snow, the jungle, etc.)


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    • 公園(こうえん)子供(こども)がブランコを()いでいる。

      Children are swinging on a swing in the park. {to row, to scull, to paddle, to pedal (e.g. bicycle), to swing (on a swing), to operate a hand pump, to push through (deep snow, the jungle, etc.)}

      • N1
    • (ぼく)(ちち)趣味(しゅみ)は、自転車(じてんしゃ)()ぐことです。

      My father's hobby is pedaling a bicycle. {to row, to scull, to paddle, to pedal (e.g. bicycle), to swing (on a swing), to operate a hand pump, to push through (deep snow, the jungle, etc.)}

      • N1
    • 毎日(まいにち)ボートを()いでいるので(うで)がムキムキです。

      Since I row a boat every day, my arms are muscular. {to row, to scull, to paddle, to pedal (e.g. bicycle), to swing (on a swing), to operate a hand pump, to push through (deep snow, the jungle, etc.)}

      • N1
    • (まえ)(ふね)()いつくべく、(わたし)たちはオールを全力(ぜんりょく)()いでいる。

      In order to catch up with the boat ahead, we are rowing with all our might. {to row, to scull, to paddle, to pedal (e.g. bicycle), to swing (on a swing), to operate a hand pump, to push through (deep snow, the jungle, etc.)}

      • N1
    • (すこ)()げば(きし)()くのに、なんで(かれ)らはボートを()ぐのを(あきら)めたんだろう…。

      They would have reached the shore with just a bit more rowing, so why did they give up on rowing the boat... {to row, to scull, to paddle, to pedal (e.g. bicycle), to swing (on a swing), to operate a hand pump, to push through (deep snow, the jungle, etc.)}

      • N1
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