Vocab Info

N1 Noun


hunting, harvesting (e.g. berries, fruit), picking, gathering


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    • 単語の種類





      My father took a hunting rifle and went to the mountain to go hunting. {hunting, harvesting (e.g. berries, fruit), picking, gathering}

      • N1


      I gathered as many as fifty clams during yesterday's tide-pooling. {hunting, harvesting (e.g. berries, fruit), picking, gathering}

      • N1


      I got a stomachache after eating an unfamiliar mushroom while mushroom hunting. {hunting, harvesting (e.g. berries, fruit), picking, gathering}

      • N1


      I am worried that my husband hasn't returned since he went out hunting, and I am worried he might have been attacked by a bear. {hunting, harvesting (e.g. berries, fruit), picking, gathering}

      • N1


      Being a big fan of strawberries, I go strawberry picking at least three times a year. {hunting, harvesting (e.g. berries, fruit), picking, gathering}

      • N1
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