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A1 Noun

猫舌(ねこじた)dislike of very hot food or drink, inability to take hot food

    Dictionary Definition

    1. Noun


      dislike of very hot food or drink, inability to take hot food, cat tongue

    All Forms

    猫舌 【ねこじた】



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      He, with a cat's tongue, cannot eat hot things, referring to his inability to eat very hot food. {dislike of very hot food or drink, inability to take hot food}

      • N1


      I have a cat's tongue, meaning I don't really like things that are too hot. {dislike of very hot food or drink, inability to take hot food}

      • N1


      I have a sensitivity to hot food, so I need to let hot things cool down. {dislike of very hot food or drink, inability to take hot food}

      • N1


      In order to overcome my dislike of very hot food, I've been trying to eat hot things more often lately. {dislike of very hot food or drink, inability to take hot food}

      • N1


      If you really have a cat's tongue (dislike of very hot food or drink), you shouldn't be able to eat anything that's steaming. {dislike of very hot food or drink, inability to take hot food}

      • N1
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