Vocab Info

A1 る-Verb


sick, ill, ailing, to hurt, to ache


    • Pitch Accent

    • Netflix Top 27,300

    • Part of Speech


    • 単語の書類





      I took a headache medicine because my head was ailing. {sick, ill, ailing, to hurt, to ache}

      • N1


      I cannot eat food because my stomach is ailing. {sick, ill, ailing, to hurt, to ache}

      • N1


      The sight of her ailing and feeling pain is heart-wrenching. {sick, ill, ailing, to hurt, to ache}

      • N1


      When my head is ailing, I tend to dim the lights in my room and close my eyes. {sick, ill, ailing, to hurt, to ache}

      • N1


      Supporting him, who was mentally ill, was more difficult than I imagined, and I finally decided to part ways. {sick, ill, ailing, to hurt, to ache}

      • N1
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