Vocab Info

A1 Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Intransitive verb, Transitive verb

()もるto pile up, to accumulate, to estimate

    Dictionary Definition

    1. Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Intransitive verb


      to pile up, to accumulate

    2. Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Transitive verb


      to estimate

      See Also:

    All Forms

    積もる 【つもる】積る 【つもる】



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      It is not possible to perfectly estimate someone else's heart. {to pile up, to accumulate, to estimate}

      • N1


      Let's shovel the snow because it has piled up on the roof! {to pile up, to accumulate, to estimate}

      • N1


      I decided to divorce due to the accumulation of grievances. {to pile up, to accumulate, to estimate}

      • N1


      How and from where should I start to talk about these accumulated feelings, I wonder... {to pile up, to accumulate, to estimate}

      • N1


      If you haven't cleaned for several weeks, it's only natural that dust would accumulate everywhere. {to pile up, to accumulate, to estimate}

      • N1
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