Vocab Info

N1 Noun


talking while standing, standing around talking


    • Pitch Accent

    • Novels Top 15,200

    • Word Type


    • 単語の種類





      Mom friends are standing around talking on the side of the road. {talking while standing, standing around talking}

      • N1


      I bumped into another friend while I was standing around talking with a friend. {talking while standing, standing around talking}

      • N1


      Landlord: "Since we're just standing around talking, please come inside the house." {talking while standing, standing around talking}

      • N1


      I think we might catch a cold if we keep standing around talking on the street, so maybe we should start heading home. {talking while standing, standing around talking}

      • N1


      I thought standing around talking wouldn't be relaxing, but the conversation flowed more than when we were at the bar. {talking while standing, standing around talking}

      • N1
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