Vocab Info

N2 Godan verb with 'ku' ending, Transitive verb

(きず)to build, to pile up, to amass

    Dictionary Definition

    1. Godan verb with 'ku' ending, Transitive verb


      to build, to construct, to erect

    2. Godan verb with 'ku' ending, Transitive verb


      to build up (a reputation, position, fortune, etc.), to establish (a relationship, household, tradition, etc.), to lay (a foundation)

    All Forms

    築く 【きずく】



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      Build a levee with stones. {to build, to pile up, to amass}

      • N2


      We built an embankment with soil and stones. {to build, to pile up, to amass}

      • N2


      It seems that the company president amassed a huge fortune in one generation. {to build, to pile up, to amass}

      • N2


      As a result of building friendly relations with the neighboring country, the economic conditions of both countries improved. {to build, to pile up, to amass}

      • N2


      Because we had built a levee on the river before the heavy rain, the river did not overflow. {to build, to pile up, to amass}

      • N2
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