Vocab Info

N1 Noun

(つな)()tug of war (orig. a form of divination to predict whether the year will be favourable or unfavourable), forward puller (of a rickshaw)

    Dictionary Definition

    1. Noun


      tug of war

    2. Noun


      forward puller (of a rickshaw)

    All Forms

    綱引き 【つなひき】綱曳き 【つなひき】



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      To play tug of war, the students are divided into two groups. {tug of war (orig. a form of divination to predict whether the year will be favourable or unfavourable), forward puller (of a rickshaw)}

      • N1


      Tug of war is a competition where each end of a single rope is pulled from both ends. {tug of war (orig. a form of divination to predict whether the year will be favourable or unfavourable), forward puller (of a rickshaw)}

      • N1


      We are being swayed amidst the tug of war for factory inducement by two companies. {tug of war (orig. a form of divination to predict whether the year will be favourable or unfavourable), forward puller (of a rickshaw)}

      • N1


      Because I gave my all in a game of tug of war, the skin on my palms ended up peeling off and becoming ragged. {tug of war (orig. a form of divination to predict whether the year will be favourable or unfavourable), forward puller (of a rickshaw)}

      • N1


      Tug of war, a staple event of sports festivals, is a competition that even people who are uncoordinated can enjoy. {tug of war (orig. a form of divination to predict whether the year will be favourable or unfavourable), forward puller (of a rickshaw)}

      • N1
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