Vocab Info

N1 Noun


repetition, repeat, reiteration, iteration, refrain, cycle, repeatedly


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      Polishing my skills through the repetition of intense training. {repetition, repeat, reiteration, iteration, refrain, cycle, repeatedly}

      • N1


      I am repeatedly reading my favorite book over and over again. {repetition, repeat, reiteration, iteration, refrain, cycle, repeatedly}

      • N1


      In order to memorize knowledge, it is important to repeatedly study. {repetition, repeat, reiteration, iteration, refrain, cycle, repeatedly}

      • N1


      It is precisely by repeatedly practicing the basics that one can improve their flute skills. {repetition, repeat, reiteration, iteration, refrain, cycle, repeatedly}

      • N1


      Even though it's a repetition of the same melody, there is something in this song that moves people. {repetition, repeat, reiteration, iteration, refrain, cycle, repeatedly}

      • N1
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