Vocab Info

N1 Expression


to be undeserved, to be more than one deserves, to be more than one can handle


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    • 単語の種類





      Award Winner: "Receiving this award is an honor more than I deserve." {to be undeserved, to be more than one deserves, to be more than one can handle}

      • N1


      Subordinate: "The praise you've given me is more than I deserve." {to be undeserved, to be more than one deserves, to be more than one can handle}

      • N1


      The actress, who received a major role that was more than she could handle, is eagerly working on it, albeit with some trepidation. {to be undeserved, to be more than one deserves, to be more than one can handle}

      • N1


      Monologue: "Me, a project leader... It's more than I deserve... It's more than I can handle..." {to be undeserved, to be more than one deserves, to be more than one can handle}

      • N1


      The author who won the newcomer award is humbly stating that it is more honor than they deserve, but they can't hide their joy. {to be undeserved, to be more than one deserves, to be more than one can handle}

      • N1
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