Vocab Info

A1 Noun


body, oneself, one's place, one's position, main part, meat (as opposed to bone, skin, etc.), wood (as opposed to bark), blade (as opposed to its handle), container (as opposed to its lid)


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    • ()危険(きけん)(かん)じたので避難(ひなん)しました。

      I evacuated because I felt danger to myself. {body, oneself, one's place, one's position, main part, meat (as opposed to bone, skin, etc.), wood (as opposed to bark), blade (as opposed to its handle), container (as opposed to its lid)}

      • N1
    • 母親(ははおや)自分(じぶん)()犠牲(ぎせい)にして出産(しゅっさん)します。

      Mothers sacrifice their own bodies to give birth. {body, oneself, one's place, one's position, main part, meat (as opposed to bone, skin, etc.), wood (as opposed to bark), blade (as opposed to its handle), container (as opposed to its lid)}

      • N1
    • ネズミが()(かく)すために(しげ)みに(かく)れています。

      The mouse is hiding in the bushes to conceal its body. {body, oneself, one's place, one's position, main part, meat (as opposed to bone, skin, etc.), wood (as opposed to bark), blade (as opposed to its handle), container (as opposed to its lid)}

      • N1
    • 子供(こども)には他人(たにん)()になって(かんが)える(こと)(むずか)しいのでしょう。

      It might be difficult for children to put themselves in someone else's position. {body, oneself, one's place, one's position, main part, meat (as opposed to bone, skin, etc.), wood (as opposed to bark), blade (as opposed to its handle), container (as opposed to its lid)}

      • N1
    • 本気(ほんき)(こい)をして(はじ)めて勉強(べんきょう)()(はい)らないという気持(きも)ちを理解(りかい)した。

      I understood the feeling of not being able to immerse oneself in studying for the first time when I fell in true love. {body, oneself, one's place, one's position, main part, meat (as opposed to bone, skin, etc.), wood (as opposed to bark), blade (as opposed to its handle), container (as opposed to its lid)}

      • N1
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