Vocab Info

N4 う-verb


to go by, to go past, to go along, to travel along, to pass through, to use (a road), to take (a route), to go via, to go by way of, to run (between), to operate (between), to connect, to go indoors, to go into a room, to be admitted, to be shown in, to be ushered in, to come in, to penetrate, to pierce, to skewer, to go through, to come through, to permeate, to soak into, to spread throughout, to carry (e.g. of a voice), to reach far, to be passed on (e.g. of a customer's order to the kitchen), to be relayed, to be conveyed, to pass (a test, a bill in the House, etc.), to be approved, to be accepted, to go by (a name), to be known as, to be accepted as, to have a reputation for, to be coherent, to be logical, to be reasonable, to be comprehensible, to be understandable, to make sense, to get across (e.g. of one's point), to be understood, to be straight (e.g. wood grain), to be well-informed, to be wise, to do ... completely, to do ... thoroughly


    • Pitch Accent

    • General Top 1,100

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    • 単語の種類





      I wonder which road I should take to get to that hospital faster...

      • N4


      I am sure my son would make it through that test.

      • N4


      As I don't stand out in class, there is no way my opinion would get through.

      • N4


      When going through the ticket gate, you need to insert your ticket or touch your electronic card.

      • N3


      I have heard that beef, unlike pork, can be eaten even if it is not fully cooked.

      • N3
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