Vocab Info

N1 No-adjective, Noun, Adverb

通常(つうじょう)common, general, normal, usual

    Dictionary Definition

    1. No-adjective, Noun, Adverb


      usual, ordinary, normal, regular, general, common

    All Forms

    通常 【つうじょう】



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      I'm usually at home, but I'll be going out tomorrow.

      • N1


      I normally wake up at seven in the morning and leave the house an hour later.

      • N1


      The store usually opens at 9 o'clock, but it opens earlier than that on holidays.

      • N1


      An unusual situation is unfolding, and now the scene is in total chaos.

      • N1


      Even after the disaster, they’re trying to operate as normal, but so far, customer traffic hasn’t picked up at all.

      • N1
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