Vocab Info

A1 Noun


village, hamlet, countryside, country, home (of one's parents, etc.), hometown, one's origins, one's upbringing, one's past


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    • (ぼく)都市(とし)ではなくて(さと)出身(しゅっしん)です。

      I am not from the city, but from the countryside. {village, hamlet, countryside, country, home (of one's parents, etc.), hometown, one's origins, one's upbringing, one's past}

      • N1
    • ()りを()えたので(やま)から(さと)()りました。

      I descended from the mountain to the village after finishing the hunt. {village, hamlet, countryside, country, home (of one's parents, etc.), hometown, one's origins, one's upbringing, one's past}

      • N1
    • 正月(しょうがつ)(さと)(かえ)って両親(りょうしん)一緒(いっしょ)()ごすつもりです。

      I plan to return to my hometown for New Year's and spend it with my parents. {village, hamlet, countryside, country, home (of one's parents, etc.), hometown, one's origins, one's upbringing, one's past}

      • N1
    • (ひと)()まない(やま)(たい)し、(さと)には人家(じんか)があり人々(ひとびと)もちらほらいます。

      In contrast to the uninhabited mountain, in the village, there are houses and people can be seen here and there. {village, hamlet, countryside, country, home (of one's parents, etc.), hometown, one's origins, one's upbringing, one's past}

      • N1
    • (さと)出身(しゅっしん)とあって、都会(とかい)()るといつも漠然(ばくぜん)とした不安(ふあん)(おそ)われてしまう。

      Being from a small village, I always get overwhelmed by a vague sense of anxiety whenever I go to the city. {village, hamlet, countryside, country, home (of one's parents, etc.), hometown, one's origins, one's upbringing, one's past}

      • N1
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