Vocab Info

N1 る-Verb


to heed, to take into account, to bear in mind, to learn from, to take warning from, in view of, in the light of


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      In view of my current severe illness, I have decided to focus on rest. {to heed, to take into account, to bear in mind, to learn from, to take warning from, in view of, in the light of}

      • N1


      The government should formulate policies carefully, taking into account the current political situation. {to heed, to take into account, to bear in mind, to learn from, to take warning from, in view of, in the light of}

      • N1


      Taking into account past incidents, we immediately fired the staff member who laid a hand on a student. {to heed, to take into account, to bear in mind, to learn from, to take warning from, in view of, in the light of}

      • N1


      In view of our family's financial situation, we have chosen not to go on a family trip this year. {to heed, to take into account, to bear in mind, to learn from, to take warning from, in view of, in the light of}

      • N1


      Coach: "No matter what anyone says, in view of his health condition, we cannot let him play in the match." {to heed, to take into account, to bear in mind, to learn from, to take warning from, in view of, in the light of}

      • N1
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